October’s Mystery Meeting

This month’s meeting was a ‘Mystery Meeting’. Well, members and visitors were treated to excellent demonstrations by two stalwarts of the Club.

Alan Peacock was demonstrating on a Berberis from Garden Centre stock, whilst Barry McMenamin gave a talk on Chinese Elms.

Nursery stock can be bought throughout the year, and is an inexpensive, and low risk way to get into the hobby. Autumn is a great time to shop for potential bonsai. As the planting season winds down, retailers run sales to reduce stock before the cold weather sets in. You can take advantage of a bargain price to acquire a plant/shrub that you can begin training right away or overwinter and work on the following spring. 

Next month’s meeting is a Workshop. Bring in your trees to work on and maybe some garden centre stock. Our experts will be on hand to help or discuss ongoing progression.

Thanks again go to Alan and Barry for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

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